Despite the upset, the bond remains…

The never ending issues about a stereotypical relationship about mother’s closeness for their sons whereas the daughter’s remains spoiled considering daddy’s little princess. Much of my memories traces twenty five years back at a young age my daughter imitate exactly my style- wears my high heels shoes, carrying a shoulder bag, smears her lipstick and copy my appearance and mannerism - my complete replica.

In many cases, mother and son had a very close relationship and become attached when the son was growing up and reached maturity, while the father is either physically and emotionally absent. First hand experience that “You have to be there” is the first ever ROLE of my son experience, probably didn’t think of any circumstances that would separate us. Another woman comes in the picture. The first real girlfriend that starts a gradual separation when my son got married. I had no choice. Often, a mother with no clear boundaries will say Yes, thinking that makes her a good Christian and a good mother. The fear of losing the relationship is “unnatural” when you’re sure you never do anything to upset the relationship.

But just as the teens entered the new era of history, the mother becomes the most ignorant, uninformed and inexperienced creature from outer space! Now, “I’m a big girl” attitude all I can hear from my daughter and another message, “No need to remind me” from my son. Side by side through the struggles, hardships and overcoming obstacles- the walls are broken! Though hurt, ignored and frustrated… regardless of the sleepless nights filled with worries, despite any circumstances, family separation, the mother understood and supported her children and spread her wings. The expression of her contentment seeing her children shine, herself staying from a secret view, watching them accomplish their dreams and taking pride in discussing their insignificant achievements. She ignored her interests in letting her children fulfill theirs.

I see, now, I’ve learned to let off the steam, released the past, that by pushing I may push them away from me, and I don't want that. I want to be able to give them the opportunity of freedom to be the woman and man they wanted to be. It's a beautiful thing, not something I need to fear. This positive reinforcement from a mother not only makes them feel more trusted and appreciated but fills them with a sense of security as well. The expectations as the children entered a new phase of life should be adjusted to the changing phases. It is important to understand that they are not generally not organized in their thoughts and are often processing their feelings while they speak, and thus, their words may seem strange or impulsive at times.

As your son and daughter are entering a new phase of her life – both must recognize the styles of communication, exchange of thoughts and behavioral messages. While the daughter may seem withdrawn suddenly, the mother must learn not to take it personally, rather accept that her growing daughter needs space to work things out in her own way. And a son getting married is more than a desire for independence and a search for individuality. Nevertheless, as your children grow, they start to realize the weight of their mother's love and the intense depth of her commitment in their life. As maturity levels increase, they would realize the good intentions of their mother which earlier seemed like constant nagging. They learned to get up after every fall, dust and keep going and most importantly realized the fundamentals of life on which they can continually fall back upon in life.

Now we are ‘best friend’ to each other. The heart-to-heart talks, intimate conversations, sharing fun and laughter, the priceless and objective advices, sharing a deep understanding and unconditional love; the relationship nurtures, this time, on a comfortable zone. Baring their heart the relationship is healed, restored and strengthened. On the same wave length, my daughter and son become better friends. Both realizes their imperfection and are not reluctant to acknowledge that. Where as my daughter appreciates what I had done for the family, my son, too, respects my opinions and considers advices.

There is appreciation for inheriting the mother’s sensitivity, empathy, wisdom, willpower, dedication, courage, firmness and perseverance; gratification for her unconditional love, encouragement, prayers and belief; and respect for all the things valued in life, while the children becomes a pillar for support for the mother in the later years. This love-hate relationship may go through innumerable struggles, conflicts and disagreements, but no other relation is as perfect as this complex but strong bond shared between a MOTHER, SON AND A DAUGHTER.



November 9, 2007 at 2:34 AM

MOther's knows best! An inspirational blog. I'm expecting more issues. I love it.. Thanks for doing this to us, Ms. Erlyn.


November 9, 2007 at 5:10 PM

Truly, a message of a genuine mother to her kids. Coming from a person who also adores her mother so much, as i scan through it word by word, i feel the depth and the unconditional motherly love.
Sometimes, mothers usually take the beating. The sad reality of this cruel society, the blame usually goes to the parents, whatever the outcome of his/her kids will be. I don't blame you for the thought that "i need to know" or "i WANT you to be like this/that", your intentions for them is to grow strong, prime and ideal. But we also need to know that the fact of just being there, and trusting them every step of the way, will mean more. I'm sure you have raised them well, believe in them.
For the son and daughter, reality bites! At least as the pain and suffering beats you down, you have someone as gentle and caring woman to pull you up. Be proud of her. Never let anything come in your mother's dream for you. Yes, you're all grown up already, she can be very protective at times but all of these are for your sake and benefit.
Good thing i had the chance to read this, it made me think as well how lucky i am to have my mother at my side. I should appreciate more her empathy and encouragement.


November 13, 2007 at 2:48 AM

A great blog indeed, clearly it's explain how our life changes day by day, how we get on with our life and bein inspired by our parents. We sometimes forget that how much sacrifice our parents gave to us, the heartache and suffering they been through just to give us the good life, wait.... No!!! Better life. Reading this blog made me realize how much time I wasted to be with my mom, spend time, is grateful and most important to say thank you to her for giving me a better life. Now all I have is regret for not doing that often with her before she passed away. I am truly happy at the same time jealous the bonds ur family has keep that bonds forever and live happily. Best wishes to u all...


Donna you do have wonderful family and you are lucky to have them...