Let the clean-up begin….

“clean- up all spilled juices and thoroughly rinse”. “clean door racks and reinstall,” put fridge back into place – and keep it clean,

Before you begin this "clutter thing", it's time to consider a lot about the stuff in your life. I mean, well and truly think about it. While the idea is necessary to get your house clean-up and organized, the essential feature is not to get so wrapped up in the outer appearance of it that you slipped to make it your home.

A house is just “A building that functions as a shelter or location of something”, but a HOME is more.

A home is a valued place, "a place in which one's domestic affections are centered" (Webster's American Family Dictionary).

There is a big sense of significance. Your house is where you live. Your home is where you create love and harmony. Your house is the structure; in your home is where you feel the foundation. To make your house to its greater extent the more risk you become having less of a home for you and the rest of your family.

In a relationship, infidelity is a wasted clutter that shatters even the strongest relationship leaving behind a feeling of betrayal and guilt. The harm caused by unfaithfulness, cheating is very real, often a death blow. Walls are broken, shattered vows, pain and shock, a profound loss of self-respect, a depression, and a real home-wrecker. While getting your house organized, go to the heart of your home when you need to see how it really looks. Look past the repairs. Look beyond messes. Instead, look at your family. Look at you. Repairing the damage of infidelity takes a great commitment. Healing and building trust take time, mending the broken heart, healing the wounded, and restoring the integrity of love.

“Healing is a beautiful experience and can lead to a healthy change in the relationship in which both partners can grow and enjoy a new-found sense of closeness”, (Eph. 2:21-22).

Have you become a "slave" of something? Let the clean-up begin!!!



November 13, 2007 at 1:20 AM

Wow..... That's a beautiful thought. Yes we need to clean-up our house and our hearts and minds as well. Make your house a home.


November 14, 2007 at 3:58 AM

home sweet home


November 16, 2007 at 2:54 PM

A home is a place where all of your love ones, acquiantances and friends meet. We often take for granted how this influence our being. It is where we first open our eyes into the real world, it is where we are molded as growing individuals and it is where we share the love that comes from our family. A home is more than the house that is built around it. A house, a residual dwelling, which also affects our perception in life.